medication management

assistance with self-administration of medication rendered by a non-practitioner to an individual receiving supported living residential services and supports. Medicines management covers a number of tasks including prescribing, ordering, dispensing, receiving/transporting, storing, assessing, preparing, assisting, administering, disposing and reviewing individuals with their medicines (HIQA 2015). It also includes medicines reconciliation.

Managing your medications at home

As a patient, it’s important to remember that you’re an essential part of the healthcare team. You know what your needs are, and you’re the best person to communicate your concerns and preferences. Some patients end up not following their doctors’ advice or skipping their prescriptions altogether. Having a disability can make it more challenging to follow your doctor’s orders.
Our medication strategies can be helpful for people with disabilities, it’s essential to work with your healthcare provider to find the best solutions for you. Feel free to use the tips that make sense for you and your lifestyle.